The Ribat of Monastir is located nearby the Marina.
It's a must see , one of the stars attractions in Monastir . The Ribat is both an historical monument and somewhat of a movie-star having been in a number of movies.
The Ribat of Monastir was built in 724 and its aim was to defend the city against invaders coming from the sea.
Nowadays, the Ribat offers an astonishing sight on the whole city thanks to its high of 35 meters.
Moreover, it has got a nice cafe allowing you to fully enjoy of the architecture of the site.
Opening hours:
Du 16/09 au 31/03 : 8h30 – 17h30
Du 1er/04 au 15/09 : 8h00 – 19h00
Closed on Mondays
Institut National du Patrimoine
Tél :(00216)71. 561. 693 / 561. 622
Fax :(00216) 71. 562. 452
Directeur Général :
Ipamed :
Don't forget to visit the Islamic museum of Monastir nearby !